Lauren Wade

Founder/Lead Instructor


Ms. Lauren is the owner of Kids Can Code, and the face of all in-school robotics field trips. She writes the curriculum, organizes classes, and manages registrations for all classes and camps.

Before beginning Kids Can Code in 2017, Ms. Lauren was a classroom teacher in St. Johns County. She taught a variety of grade levels, and even developed the county’s STEM program. During her work with after school coding programs, she also completed Web Development classes specializing in BootStrap & PHP.

Ms. Lauren’s passion for inspiring children of all ages drives the focus of Kids Can Code. She loves to tinker and try out the latest apps, programs, video games, and coding languages.

 Questions? Email her below.

Keturha Singleton

After School Club Instructor


Ms. Kay (as the kids call her) is a permanent substitute within St. Johns County School District by day, and an engaging coding instructor by afternoon. She has a background in business and a passion for the arts. Ms. Kay hopes that every Kid Coder has that “aha!” moment that continues to spark their confidence and growth!

 Questions? Email her below.